Marianna zoekt een Kamer / Appartement in Leiden

Marianna zoekt: Een Kamer / Appartement in Leiden

  • Kamer / Appartement
  • Min. 12 m2
  • Vrouw
  • 14 Per direct

I'm a 20 years old psychology student at the Leiden University. At the moment I'm finishing my second semester, leaving at the university housing.
I like a lot to play the piano and I have an electric piano that can be played with headphones. I do sports and like to dance.
I come originally fro Germany but I'm half Mexican. I'm very open and peaceful. I like to keep the commune areas clean and for me it is important to have a good relationship to my flatmates.

Algemene informatie: Marianna
  Vrouw, 23 jaar
Type huurder: Student
  2e jaars Psychology (UNIVERSITEIT)